I bet it all works out, somehow it always does
Ou Tout Est Bien Qui Finit Bien
At the end of the day I’m a network engineer that cut a little hole cut out on the far edges of the internet. This site is often mostly my random ramblings, blended with poorly conceived life lessons fraught with nonsense. Normally nonsense and irrational thoughts win out.
I do have a habit of taking off on tangents when I have particular feelings on a subject matter or when the urge compels me.
Promises, promises
One nonsense belief Deserves Another
In the past few years, acceptable collective insanity has run amuck as critical thought has taken a backseat. Conspiracy theories and New World Order agendas have become mainstream. Reading a single article on the internet becomes fact if it aligns with your corrupted belief system.
So, I say, if you can’t beat them, join ’em. I’ve always loved the concept at the root of all conspiracy theories: a thought that there is a secret that only a few know that could change everything. So what started as a joke became, I have a website sitting idle, why not start creating my own random theories. Why shouldn’t they be as believable as a flat earth or lizard people?
One of the small truths you will find here
If there is one truth you will find here, nearly everything is a lie. Do I find conspiracy theories interesting? Yes. Do I believe in conspiracy theories? In rare circumstance I consider some of them plausible, but generally no.
What I do believe is the world has hit a point where in a sense we are all connected on a global scale. Never before in known human history can anyone write a message that has the potential to be seen by millions in a matter of minutes. But as you can spread information, you can spread disinformation.
As this global conscience has helped build stronger bonds on a macro scale, it’s also helped alienate people. These alienated individuals seem to be on the fringe wanting to be seen and heard in anyway possible. They want to feel unique and special. Unfortunately they generally seem to fall into the realm of the uneducated, older, politically motivated, and/or individuals living in poverty.
This is the harsh truth that these individuals on the fringe are more susceptible to conditioning. But once they have bought into the idea, they scream the loudest just looking for attention and support of their new community.
Well this took a weird turn
Existentialist (adj. & n.) Optimistic Nihilist
“Just because we’re all doomed, doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time.”
The way I see it, I’m not going to fix the thinking of the world. Let’s be honest, I’m hardly going to try. I’m too busy trying to over explain why I hate Google as an institution of corporate greed while I watch my Youtube for the sixth hour in a day. While the government tends to be a necessary evil, I generally feel all politicians, regardless of alignments, to out for personal gain. My personal ideologies is filled with hypocrisy. In the end, I just stay in my bubble. Everything is good in the bubble.
*As a final note, I do feel it’s imperative to disclose that anything provided on this site in realm of professional subject matter (ie networking concepts, architectural designs, and configurations) are all done to the best of my ability. I may present them at times in non-conventional means, but they are based on industry best practices and personal experiences.